Rapid Intervention Teams (RITC)
FSC: 0270 Hours: 4.0 (Lecture: 4.0hrs / Lab: 0.0hrs)
Prerequisites: Age 16 and up, Fire Ground Support (ELFG), or Bucks Basic Academy
Description: This program will prepare fire department personnel for implementation of a stand-by rescue team at structure fires and certain other especially hazardous incidents. The course content relies heavily on the successful experiences of departments that have implemented and utilized the concept.
Out of County Cost: $33, please make checks payable to the Schuylkill County Volunteer Firefighters Association on the first day of class.
Dates & Times: 10/28 1800-2200
Instructor: Jarod Algendinger
Location: Citizen’s Fire Company, Tamaqua 99 W Rowe St. Tamaqua, PA 18252