Fire School Policies

No Show Policy

The No Show policy is designated only for those students who register for a class and do not show up without prior notification.  It is intended to ensure that students attend the training course for which they have registered and to reduce course cancellations because of students who fail to attend classes.   Students who are unable to attend courses are required to notify the SCTA via the “Unable to Attend Upcoming Training Course” form within ten (10) days of the start of the course.  In the event that a student, does not notify SCTA and does not show to the registered class, the SCTA reserves the right to bill your company/department, and/or suspend the student from registering for further training at the SCTA, and/or suspend the student’s fire company/department from utilizing the SCTA grounds.

For more information on the No Show Policy, please read the policy in full here….

Fire Chief Authorization

The Fire Chief Authorization policy is intended to ensure the Fire Chief’s awareness regarding the student’s and Fire Company/Department’s responsibilities as pertains to participation in training held at SCTA.  This policy addresses such items as student fulfillment of prerequisites, medical qualification, Workman’s Compensation Coverage, student fees, and PPE.

For more information information on the Fire Chief Authorization Policy, please read the policy in full here….

Facial Hair Policy

In order to comply with accepted NFPA and OSHA standards and Pennsylvania State Fire Academy guidelines; any program that utilizes SCBA or other respiratory protection will require students registering to be clean-shaven.

For more information on the Facial Hair Policy, please read the policy in full here….

Act 155 Permission Form

Students that are 17 that want to take Interior firefighter must have this permission form filled out prior to the first day of class. The permission form needs to be signed by a parent or guardian and the fire chief. You can find the form here….

Course Request Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for requesting and hosting a company level course. Please read the policy here….

Grounds Usage Request Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set standards for scheduling and utilizing SCTA grounds. Please read the policy here….

Essentials Pathway

The Essentials of Firefighting pathway can be found here…students must meet the prerequisite criteria before taking the next class.